
Monday, November 29, 2010

3 Speeding Tickets

In the past month I have now received 3, that's right, 3!!! speeding tickets.  I haven't had any tickets in 6 years.  Now, all of the sudden, the police can't stop chasing me.  I don't think I've significantly changed the way I drive the roads.  I think it is because Oklahoma is in a budget deficit and has to get the money somehow before the end of the year.  Rodolfo has made me promise to be an alert, careful, obedient driver.  I have vowed to do my best (and am considering purchasing a radar detector-- are the legal?)  When we are in the car Georgia now asks me at an interval of about 5 minutes or so, "Mom, are you driving the speed limit?"


Anonymous said...

You are just paying for all the past speeding.... Of course that means you have to get a bunch more.

JoDee said...

True, true. :) Let's hope I do not!