
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Magic Rain Boots

In a quiet corner near our basement door sit a pair of Pucci-inspired rain boots. They are a little worn, a little muddy and serve me well when I need to go to the dungeon (our basement). These unassuming boots have recently taken on a new role; they eat credit cards. It is true. Rodolfo, who tends to loose things, had a terrible time finding his Discover card. He looked in all the usual places but the card just couldn't be found. After what seemed an endless search we gave up. That evening, on my normal laundry round, I slipped my bare-feet into those trusty boots. And what to my surprise did I discover but a shiny, crisp credit card. Who knows how it arrived there? Those boots must be magic and come alive when we least expect it. Since then the boots have taken to eating other household items, especially blocks, keys and little toy farm animals. I wonder what those hungry boots will eat next? :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Boomer Sooner

Gigi has officially attended her first OU football game. It was sweaty, hot, humid and dog-on gross but she seemed to enjoy it and didn't cry once. When the band would play Georgia would hold her hands in the air, when the crowd would roar and stand to watch the play, Gigi would stand along with them, when people would clap for good plays, so did she, and when nothing imparticularly exciting was going on she would flirt with the guy behind us. I think I have a social butterfly on my hands.
Other news... Georgia has really taken to grabbing whatever is on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. She stealthily grabs the item when I'm doing something else then walks around the kitchen and dining room with it talking. Here are some pictures of me catching her with a bottle of Dr. Pepper.

One of her favorite new words is "tickle". She says this word in long repeated sentences. So it goes like this "tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle... etc." She particularly likes to say it when Wally is around or when she is carrying one of her toys. Where could she have possibly learned this word??? :)