
Sunday, January 31, 2010

snowy glow

Surprisingly, as much as everyone prepared, the blizzard didn't strike this time around.  We did get a nice dusting of snow that has kept us inside all weekend.  Here is our home looking wintery and wonderful.  We have a contract on our house now and will be doing the inspection tomorrow.  We have been a little wistful this weekend, remembering all the memories that have been made in this house.  I will so miss my garden and all the love and hope it represents.  I will also miss all my 52 windows and the amazing light they bring.  The good thing is that I will be able to devote my gardening energies to my parent's home.  They have a rose garden that is calling my name.  And now Rodolfo and I get to design and create our next home.  Whatever results from this next step, it is a journey that I look forward to taking.  2010 really is a year of change for us.  And change is both scary and exhilirating.  Change takes faith.  Change takes courage.  Change forces you to live.  Change is a good thing.  Until the move out date I think I will really be enjoying this home.  I love you dear old 1222!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bubble Dreams

Gigi and I have quite a routine for bedtime.  It is not the simple bath, book, bed anymore.  No, it is way more elaborate than I could have ever schemed.  She prefers to select a toy that will listen to the story, then we all read the story together, talk about the story, watch a slide-show of one of 7 princess slides (she received a mini-projector for Christmas last year), then talk, giggle, tickle, lay quietly and then say goodnight.  And her goodbyes remind me of the way French correspondence is formally ended-- with flowery flattery.  Tonight she told me, "mom I hope you have sunshine dreams, princess dreams, candy-dreams AND EVEN BUBBLE DREAMS!"  She took a deep breath before she blurted out the bubble dream part.  It was like it was the absolute highest confectionary honor she could bestow on me for the evening.  It was utterly adorable.

Will it Blizzard?

We are looking at the skies wondering what will happen tomorrow.  The weather report says that we are supposed to have an ice-snow storm that will rival the one a few years ago that knocked out electricity for 3 days.  You would have never guessed it from the weather today.  It was 65 degrees outside, blue skies and no wind!!  Craziness.  Oklahoma weather is sooooo unpredictable!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Grampy's Song

Grampy Max showed me a poem that he wrote the other day.  He has been digging into his geneaology and learning about his family.  Part of this poem/song contains words written by one of his distant relatives.  This song is a perfect glimpse into Grampy.  I love it and thought I would share it with you:

Just Wobblin' Along

Just wobblin' along
whistlin' a song

Age has slowed my pace
And wrinkles line my face yet
Deep inside I know--

*The spirit never ages
The essence of the soul is
Sure and strong forever and
keeps us young and whole

Just wobblin' along
Whistlin' a song

Max, Age 89
January 2010

*Charlotte Pease

From the mouth of babes...

This morning, as I was getting Georgia ready for the day, she looked me squarely in the eyes and said, "Mom, I talked to God and He told me that you are pregnant.  You are going to have a baby.  You don't have to wait anymore."  She said it so matter of fact and with such clarity I had to just stare at her for a minute.  Georgia knows a minscule amount about my struggle to have a second child.  We've talked before about how we are waiting to see if God will bless us with another baby.  But our discussions have been one or two sentences max.  Her comment today really surprised me.  There was a huge part of me that wanted to take her message at face value.  I really wish it were true.  My response was something along the lines of "wouldn't that be wonderful."  I think Georgia is beginnig to think about siblings and desire one.  I do not know if she was motivated by her ponderings on siblings or if she actually heard a message from God.  I wouldn't put it past God to deliver a message through a child.  Just thought I'd put it here to document in case it does happen! :)  I will say that there is some science to beliefs and their effects on biology.  I am about to read a book called The Biology of Belief.  It deals with this very topic and is based on a very new branch of science called epigenetics.  Epigenetics asserts that thoughts not genetics determine your overall health.  It is not a "name it and claim it" type of idea.  Epigenetics has to do with electrical currents that run through the brain and the effect they have on biology.  I can't wait to read it!


Degas captured all those beautiful ballerinas, and I got to do the same thing back in November (albeit mine were a little younger!). Georgia adores her class! I remember taking my ballet/tap/jazz class at the Moose Lodge when I was around her age. I loved my teacher and I still actually remember a small bit of choreography that we performed to "I of the Tiger". I can even hear the song now in my head as I type-- DDDdddd dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun daaaaaa. Gigi will have her first performance in May. The dances are supposed to be top secret, but from the information she has leaked, I gather they will be performing at least one routine to Walk the Dinosaur. I can't wait!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


We have had an inordinate amount of ladybugs in our house lately. I have no recollection of ever seeing any ladybugs in the months of December and January in the history of my life. This year, however, we have plenty! They are on the floor in the playroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, dining room and the hallways! I have no idea where they came from and wonder why they all chose to come into my house. Although it seems very unusual to me, I am happy to see them. I've always thought ladybugs were friendly little creatures, not to mention that they are an important symbol at GPhiB! I thought I would google what they symbolize, thinking maybe I have some sort of natural phenomenon occuring. It turns out that ladybugs are very good luck! Here's to 2010!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Belle Annee!

Happy New Year! I am very happy to welcome in 2010. It is a new beginning ripe with possibilities.