
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas

Gigi has now officially experienced her first Christmas. We spent it in Oklahoma City while Rodolfo was in Guatemala visiting his family. It was an enjoyable, low-key day that involved a cozy morning opening packages and drinking apple cider followed by an afternoon visit to Granny & Grampy's house.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yum, Rice Cereal!

Gigi had her first gulp of rice cereal last week. This is what I wrote about the occasion: Gigi was beautiful eating, so cute and very open to trying this new experience. She did not swallow much of it. Most made it onto her bib, but I think it was a good start. I tasted it afterward and have to say that it is absolutely disgusting. I don't know how she took it so well. I think I'm going to try a different brand of formula... Enfamil just is icky. I have some Similac so I'll try that tomorrow.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Gigi a 3.5 meses de edad

Elle est si mignonne, n'est pas? J'adore mon petit ange. Elle continue, chaque jour, de devenir plus et plus jolie. Hier nous avons celebre mon anniversaire de trente ans a un restaurant brazilian. Gigi etait la avec tout de mes amis. Elle se comportait comme une demoiselle parfaite. Je suis si fier d'elle.

La semaine prochaine je vais introduire, pour la premiere fois, les solides. Je commencerai avec le cereal de riz. Elle est prete pour cette introduction. Je ne peux pas attendre de le faire.

Como veran, Gigi esta creciendo a pasos agigantados. La beba es muy sonriente pero tambien tiene su caracter fino cuando algo no le gusta. Estas fotos son bastante recientes y fueron tomadas por nada mas y nada menos que JoDee. Gigi por lo general es una beba bastante contenta y solo sonrisas es ahora. Sus momentos favoritos son despues de comer y cuando le estan cambiando el pannal. Por lo genral en estas actividades se la pasa sonriendo todo el tiempo. Ya ha crecido bastante y ahora cuesta un poquito mas el tenerla cargada por mucho tiempo.

Tambien le gusta estar enterada de que esta pasando a su alrededor y quiere estar parada mas tiempo. Wally ha sentido un poco el cambio, no tanta atencion a el como a la beba, pero por lo general ha reaccionado bastante bien. Gigi esta bajo regimiento militar, lo que ha ayudado a que tengamos un horario mas etablecido y especialmente por las noches ya que ahora duerme desde las 10pm hasta las 7:30 am por lo general.

Es increible como le cambian la vida a uno los bebes, son una bendicion pero tambien los primeros 3 meses son duros! Ahora ya finalmente estamos viendo la luz al final del tunel (especialmente JoDee) y ahora la disfrutamos a la beba mas que al principio. Vieran ahora como ya descubrio sus manos, solo se las pasa metiendo en la boca y cuando se sorprende o esta contenta, las pone juntas y se rie un monton. Eso es por ahora lo que puedo decir de Gigi, la queremos un monton y nos ha llenado de felicidad.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Whew! Long time no write. I am just sitting here in my skinny jeans, wishing I didn't spill out the top and thinking about my little beauty. The G-ster is growing by leaps and bounds. She has moved up to Pampers #3. Perhaps she still is too small for these diapers, but her legs are so chubby that the others just don't fit well. I made the executive decision to move up and I'm sure her little toosh thanks me for it. She is all smiles these days. I love just watching her and seeing what new expressions or noises she might make. After the "G" sounds Georgia moved on to "M" sounds. There were about 3 or 4 days where she would suck on her bottom lip and hum "Mmmmmmm". I encouraged her to say "Mmmommy" but had no luck in getthing anything close. This Thursday we have an appointment with a photographer for her 3 month pictures. They have a website with some wonderful examples. I hope she is able to capture at least one of the gazillion cute expressions that Gigi makes. I'm a little worried about her wild hair though. I have been experimenting with different products to try and persuade those pesky hairs to lay down. However, I have had no luck. Georgia may just have to continue with the punk-rock-princess look.