
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Magic Next Door

We found it!  This has to have been one of the first books my mom ever read to me.  Gigi and I were digging around in an old bookcase the other day trying to find a place to put all of the Barbie beds because they were just driving me crazy sitting out.  While we were moving stuff around we found The Magic Next Door.  Finding the book was like rediscovering an old memory that had been cherished but long forgotten.  This is such a sweet story, and it has great lines like: "Her hair was spread out on the tufted grass like silk from corn on the cob."  I smiled at every page remembering the images and the story.  What a great find.  This book is a little treasure to me.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day at the Museum

We went to the Oklahoma Natural History Museum to explore dinosaur bones with Ashleigh, Michelle, Blake & Caleb today.  The girls were pretty fascinated with the animals.  This is a great age for hands-on-experiences.  Hats off to Michelle for all of her great ideas.  What a fun day it was!!


What do you think a busy CPA would want to do the day after tax season?  Relax?  Go to the beach?  spa?  How about build a fort?  That's right, my dad's after tax-season project was to build a playhouse for all his grandkids.  I have been amazed that every day since April 16 my dad has been out in the backyard constructing what you see above.  Since we are living here while we wait on our new house to be renovated Georgia is thrilled to the bones to have a slide in the backyard!!  Now Ellyn Claire, Anne & Kathrine need to come on over so the fun can begin.  Thanks Dad!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

oh the places you will go

Gigi has totally been the most beautiful ballerina today.  She was performing all day long, dancing here and there.  I guess she is ready for her recital coming up.  Even when we were on our way out the door she stopped and danced in front of the old mirror in the garage.  I had to snap her picture, she looked so pretty.  Her gaze made me think of all the possibilities and exciting things that await her in life.  The poem "oh the places you will go" came to my head. 
After our errands we came home and ate our Chick-fil-A.  Here she is drinking her chocolate milk. I sure feel blessed.

Wally's feet

On Wally's birthday he ascended the heights of a dog's life by receive a spa day.  Our regal pooch returned after his pampering bath and fluff with curls-a-shining and white hair a-glow.  He also brought the rains with him.  We admired his fluffiness for as long as we could before he begged us to go outside.  Not wanting to ruin his clean paws in the rain and mud we concocted the above booties.  Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.  These fine rain-resistant shoes are made out of nothing other than baggies and scotch tape!  They worked for about 3 minutes, long enough to take care of business.  I had a good laugh watching Wally waltz around in them.  He looked like a high-stepping horse!!  Happy Birthday you silly pooch! 

Mini Boden

Have you ever seen that catalogue called Mini-Boden?  They have the splashiest, laid-back, colorfully fun clothes for children.  I love the catalogue because they always list the names of the children modeling the clothes + they ask fun questions for the kids to answer.  Their names are always trendy European names like Mila, Giullia, Anna Luisa, Nayara, etc.  I thought I could ask Gigi some of the questions from this catalogue and document HER answers.  Here we go:

Most ticklish: sides of tummy
After school enjoys: playing dress up in O Papa's playhouse
Spots or stripes: stripes
Favourite word: candy and jewelry
Hidden talent: music
Best thing in the world: candy and jewelry
Favourite film: princess movies
Favourite game: hopscotch
Favourite sandwich: egg
Animal I'd like to be: tiger
Wants to be: princess
Collects: candy and jewelry
Worst food: yucky bananas
Favourite word: word perd (we're really into rhyming now-a-days since Aunt Laurie introduced us to it), I asked her this question again and she said her favourite word was: dinosaur, elephant, Disney World
Best thing you've found: jewelry
Favourite book: princesses book

Well, in a nutshell, that's my 3 year old!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New House!

Today Georgia and I scouted out spring weather photo locations.  I dressed her in the springiest dress I could find and we headed outdoors.  Afterwards we meandered over to our new house to see if the water was finally turned on, and it was.  We then watered our transplanted peonies, hydrangeas and tulips.  I was able to get a few adorable photos of her while we were in the garden.  I can't wait to move into the new house, but we are still in the process of renovating.  In fact, the process hasn't even begun.  We are still finalizing details on the changes with our interior designer.  Today we were told that the contractor can BEGIN the process in 3 -4 weeks.  We've always heard it takes patience when renovating and we are ready to be patient, but oh I can't wait!! :)  I will post pictures of the house once we know what we will be doing to it.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Our journey to the Dallas Arboretum

This is right before Gigi broke out into her loudest rendition ever of Sleeping Beauty's song "I know you"


This color combo makes me calm and happy.

I was trying to get a sweet cousin shot like I did last week, but Gigi decided to put Elle in a head lock instead.

Elle after the headlock, happy and a little dazed.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

sunflare practice and PEZ

Just practicing more sunflare techniques.  Gigi was out dancing with her PEZ candy that Auntie Rebecca gave her for Easter.  I just realized that she was wearing this dress the last time I practiced sunflare.  Funny!  I guess this dress lends itself to that sunny, 70s look.  Gigi has been so funny with her candy lately.  She has started sleeping with it she loves it so much.  No more Mr. Bear at night time, she wants to sleep with whatever candy she has been given most recently.  It is funny too because she doesn't eat the candy she just has it on her pillow.  Three years is a silly age!