
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Emperor Moth

A man once found a cocoon of the beautiful emperor moth and took it home so that he could watch the moth emerge from the cocoon.

On the day a small opening appeared, he sat enthralled and watched for several hours as the moth struggled to force its body through the little hole. After a while it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could go and it could go no further. He just seemed to be stuck.

So the man, in his kindness, decided to help the moth... he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon. To his relief, the moth then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the moth because at any moment the wings would enlarge and expand and support the body, which would contract in time, and the moth would fly away. But it never happened. In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the moth to get through the tiny opening was the way of forcing fluid from the body of the moth into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Freedom and flight could only come after struggle. By depriving the moth of its struggle, he deprived the moth of health and freedom.

If we were to go through life without any obstacles or struggle, we too would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we would have been. Give every struggle (opportunity) a chance, learn to grow beyond it and fly free of your cocoon - leave no room for regrets.

-Author Unknown

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Have you ever noticed how layers make life more interesting? Cook a hamburger using meat straight out of the package with a bun straight from the grocery store and slap some american cheese on it and you have a burger. However, if you take the time to season your meat with some salt and pepper (and whatever else you prefer), add a few onions to the pan before you cook your meat, take time to butter and toast your buns, and then use a cheese that has been aged -- like a good aged cheddar, then you have A BURGER! There is more to it than the basic ingredients-- it has been layered with flavor and wow how those layers bring out the best in the end product!

I've started to notice that everything is better with layers-- makeup application looks better layered, decorating is better layered, cooking is better with layers and so is photography! Even people are layered. Children come fresh out of the package and it is endearing and fabulous because they are so in the moment and honest about it. As people age, there are experiences, sad and happy ones, that form the person and make them interesting, profound and sometimes difficult to understand. Sometimes you have to peel the layers away to get at the core of a person. And sometimes a person is so transparent you see through to the core immediately, even though there are many layers.

It takes courage to be transparent about one's life and to be honest about the layers-- the good and the bad ones. I think art (music, literature, painting, film, sculpture, architecture, etc.) that is powerful and speaks volumes comes from an artist who is honest. Honesty resonates with humanity and elevates expression-- whatever kind, to true art and sometimes even to a masterpiece. There are artists in each of us with an expression to be made if we are courageous enough to be honest with ourselves and voice it. I guess life is an evolution towards expressing this inner voice. And I read somewhere that true art is the expression of the divine within-- of God within us. When we reach that moment of honesty in our work/expression we are communing with God Himself because God is the embodiment of truth (as well as love) and that, my friends, is beautiful!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hair-raising moments

Michael, Laurie's husband, snapped this photo of Elle at Gigi's wild and crazy birthday party. I had so much fun snapping pictures of all the children but there was so much going on that I couldn't catch everything and I'm glad that Michael was there snapping along too. This moment is hilarious, and like the commercial says, priceless!! The blueberry photo I snatched off of facebook from Mindy's album. It makes me laugh every time I see it. Oh that Elle! Like mother, like daughter. :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Georgia, Happy Birthday to you! At 11:37 AM 3 years ago today you came into the world and changed our lives forever. You are a special, fabulous blessing and we love you. We hope you liked your cinnamon roll birthday wake up this morning. And we hope you love your princess/pool/bubble party tomorrow! Kisses forever you darling dearest angel! Love, Mommy & Papi

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Every now and again I just get bombarded with fascinating ideas and possibilities. This past week has been one of those times. I've had a million and one ideas swirling around in my head. Photoshop has been my main creative focus the past few months and I still want it to stay that way. But a new glorious idea that Rodolfo and I have discussed for over 6 months is seeming to ripen as well and oh how I would like to pursue it!
In the photo above, Georgia is telling me about her necklace which was a gift from her Abuela Orie, Abuelo Ofo and Abuelita Tenchi. She loves that necklace. Aren't her eyes pretty?

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Le Weekend!

We have had an easy, breezy, beautiful weekend so far. Last night we went over to the lake and walked around. It felt so carefree to just say to heck with routine and bedtime, let's go have fun! We even took Wally and were glad to have our canine companion plopping along beside us. This afternoon we had lunch with Granny to celebrate her 88th birthday-- Happy Birthday Granny! And then this evening we are headed over to my parents to celebrate my dad's 55th (or is it 26th?) birthday. Of course, we are gearing up for Gigi's big 3rd birthday coming very soon. My week is sure to be full of planning and preparations. Ah! I love summer!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Firestation & Hair Brushing

We visited the Edmond firestation today with a group of girls from church. It was really actually an educational visit. I figured it would be 15 minutes of organized chaos with the little ones, but the kids actually behaved well and listened to the firemen who were full of lots of pertinent advice. We were there for an hour. The highlight, of course, was when the kids got to sit in the firetruck (see above), but seeing the fireman suit up into his uniform was a close second. Georgia was not intimidated at all by the hat and mask and actually went up and gave the fireman a high-five. She also spent a lot of time brushing her hair and the hair of those around her. This has become her thing, brushing hair. If you look closely at the last picture, she even has the hair brush in the firetruck!! Silly girl. :)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


We had our final homestudy interview yesterday. It went all wrong. I thought I had planned everything perfectly. The house was spotless. My life book looked nearly professional. Georgia actually was wearing an outfit that I picked out. Rodolfo and I had said a beautiful prayer that morning together anticipating our next child. But when the woman walked through our door, sat down at our breakfast table and said that she wanted us to wait I couldn't believe my ears. She said that she felt like I was still yearning for a biological child and that it wasn't fair to a birthmother and an adopted child to be placed in a family where these emotions exist. I was floored, didn't know what to say, how to respond. You know, in movies the actors all respond so gracefully to events. Even their sorrow looks elegant. Mine did not. I immediately lost all composure and had tears and nose slobber pouring down my face. My voice was high and squeeky and I sounded more like a child than a woman. The reason she came to this conclusion is because I am taking herbal teas, acupuncture and following a fertility diet. Yes, I would like to have a biological child again. But I am still unclear as to how this negates my desire to adopted a child. She argued that when one adopts a person needs to be completely resigned to the fact that they cannot have children any other way. This sounds suspect to me. Don't families with biological children adopt??? I asked her this question and she said not domestically, normally only internationally. I am very perturbed at her conclusion. She said that it is not that we are bad canidates for adoption, she just wants us to get past this stage of yearning for a biological one before we continue down this path. I told her that I don't think any woman who has been diagnosed with infertility ever gets past the yearning for a biological child. How could she? Then she said that we just need to stop actively trying to conceive one of our own before she wants us to move forward. For about 12 hours I pondered this stance. At first I thought, okay maybe she is right, maybe by actively trying to conceive another child I am showing indifference towards adoption. But the more I have considered it, the more strongly I disagree. I JUST WANT A BABY!!!! God is the one that gives a child to a family, not an agency, not a doctor, and not herbs and acupuncture. All I am doing by trying these things is hoping to widen the possibility of a baby coming into my life. I'm trying to cover all my bases in the hopes that somehow, someway, sooner than later a beautiful, healthy, wonderful little person will join our family. Frankly, I could care less how the baby arrives. I've already jumped that hurdle. A baby coming through me or through another woman is not an issue. God is the one that gives a baby to a person and that person does not own the baby (see post a few months ago). I'm even getting nauseated as I type. Have to go. Will conclude later.