
Monday, November 29, 2010

3 Speeding Tickets

In the past month I have now received 3, that's right, 3!!! speeding tickets.  I haven't had any tickets in 6 years.  Now, all of the sudden, the police can't stop chasing me.  I don't think I've significantly changed the way I drive the roads.  I think it is because Oklahoma is in a budget deficit and has to get the money somehow before the end of the year.  Rodolfo has made me promise to be an alert, careful, obedient driver.  I have vowed to do my best (and am considering purchasing a radar detector-- are the legal?)  When we are in the car Georgia now asks me at an interval of about 5 minutes or so, "Mom, are you driving the speed limit?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The tumbleweeds rolled in about two weeks ago.  We've had fun running and swimming through them!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Chandelier Hunting


Been on the look out for lighting for my house.  In the process I have discovered how much I adore chandelier stores!  They are always locally owned, small spaces packed full of shiny, beautiful objects.  When I go into one I feel like I am being transported back to Paris.  Here in Oklahoma City some of my favorites have been Lillian Strickler Lighting, Mockingbird Manor, and two stores on Britton Road, unfortunately I forget their names at the moment.  And then I have discovered two outstandingly gorgeous designers in other states.  In California (now Idaho) is Chandi Design.  And out of New Orleans is Julie Neill.  MY GOODNESS!  Their work is beautiful!  Just thought I'd write down this little love affair I am having right now.  I go to bed dreaming of chandeliers and wake up with them as the first thought in my mind.