
Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Dearest Georgia,
You are one year old today! Happy Birthday to you! The day you were born was an extraordinarily beautiful moment in my life. It seemed as if time stood still and joy was poured out for 3 straight days. So many well-wishers and family came by with flowers and gifts and love. But nothing could compare to the most miraculous part of it all-- the beautiful bundle of love sleeping in my arms--You! You were so tiny and precious all curled up in your baby ball. I had no idea what I was doing. When I think about that time the emotions and excitement rush back to me. During those beginning few days I felt a mixture of pride, wonder and fear. It was a grandiose emotion, the type I feel when I look at a sunset in September, those beautiful golden ones where I try to take it all in but don't have room in my lungs to absorb it all. You were just beautiful and I was amazed that I was your mother.

For the record, your were born at 11:38 A.M. weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and were 21 inches long. Now you are well over 20 lbs. and are not very sleepy anymore. :) You can walk independently, you babble constantly and you love to be silly. Dancing is catching on, you love to eat cheerios and animal crackers, and you get ridiculously excited when you see other babies. We celebrated your birthday this past Saturday with a huge birthday bash. Here are some pictures to help you remember the fun. We love you baby girl!! Kisses and love-- Mommy.

Mi querida pitufa! Increible pensar que hace un anno estabamos ansiosos por conocer a la beba que con tanta alegria estabamos esperando. Fue en este dia que a la 0+ horas que tu mama me desperto diciendo que probablemente teniamos que ir al hospital. En mi suenno recuerdo no haberle creido, pero tu mami insistio y nos fuimos al hospital. Con nerviosismo y anticipacion (porque nunca habiamos tenido un bebe antes) nos dirigimos al hospital. Cuando llegamos al hospital nos dirigieron a una de las habitaciones, recuerdo que tu mami pidio si nos podian hubicar en una de las habitaciones recien remodeladas (mas lujosas) pero no tuvimos tanta suerte. Con ansias esperamos el veredicto del medico, pensamos que nos iban a regresar a la casa por falsa alarma, pero en la espera, tu mami pidio a Dios que no fuera asi. Justamente cuando ella termino de decir su oracion, la fuente se rompio y quien hiba a decir que unas horas mas tarde estariamos precenciando tu llegada a este mundo. Gigi, has cambiando nuestras vidas, desde el momento en que naciste hasta este primer anno de vida. Al principio fue dificil adaptarnos a tu precencia y todos los cuidados que un bebe requiere, pero en el transcurso de los meses has llenado nuestros corazones de alegria y nuestras vidas con una nueva perspectiva. Tus risas, gestos, las gracias cuando comes, la alegria extrema cuando ves a otro bebe, los gritos de felicidad cuando Wally te persigue por la casa, en las mananas cuando te cambio el pannal antes de ir a trabajar, en fin cada cosa que logro compartir contigo es algo invaluable. Algun dia, cuando leas esto, diras, que sentimental es mi papa, pero tu cumples un primer anno solo una vez en la vida, y que alegria para mi haber podido compartirlo contigo!
Con mucho carino de tu papa.


Mindy said...

Happy Birthday you sweet and beautiful girl! What a joy you have brought to our family! I am so thankful that God blessed us with you. Get ready for lots of fun becuase being 1 year old is going to open the opportunity for you to learn and grow so much!

Happy birthday sweet girl!

Your Uncle JP and I love you so much!

Aunt Mindy :)

Ty McCathran said...

Happy Birthday Georgia! You look so pretty in all of your pictures. I can't wait for another play date this fall.

Your friend,